Author Kristen Tsetsi
Author Kristen Tsetsi
On Today’s Thriller Zone, I’m happy to welcome Author, Journalist and Podcaster, Kristen Tsetsi. Kris is the author of The Age of the Child…
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Sept. 24, 2021

Author Kristen Tsetsi

On Today’s Thriller Zone, I’m happy to welcome Author, Journalist and Podcaster, Kristen Tsetsi. Kris is the author of The Age of the Child, The Year of Dan Palace, Pretty Much True, and the Amazon Vella thriller series, Hindsight—a story series we’ll be chatting about on today’s show.

Kris is also an author of numerous short stories, novellas and journals, as well as one of the Q&A Specialists for Jane is an authoritative voice in the publishing industry, as well as the author of Electric Speed and The Hot Sheet. As you will quickly learn, Kris is an outspoken and insightful woman of many talents. Please join me in welcoming Kris Tsetsi to The Thriller Zone.

To learn more about Kris, visit her website: & follow her on Twitter @ktsetsi.

Bonus: Get to know one of our favorite Publishing Experts, and all-around terrific gal, visit: Her HOT SHEET is a must have for aspiring writers who wants “the targeted inside scoop!” Follow Jane on Twitter @janefriedman



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As always, THANK YOU for listening to this podcast. We know you only have so much time in the day, and there are oodles of podcasts from which to choose, but we feel there’s nothing quite like: that introduces you to some of the finest thriller writers in the world today.

Also, in the coming weeks, we will be widening our reach to include both Films & TV Shows that center around the exciting world of thrillers.


If you are a seasoned thriller writer, or have dreams of becoming the next great bestseller—and you have at least two thrillers in circulation, feel free to reach out to us; we’d love to consider having you on the show.

Here’s how you do it. Email either: or (or heck, do both!) And after receiving a confirmation, send us a hard copy of your book (address to be provided), and give us at no less 3 weeks to read the book (5 weeks is preferred).

If you have an upcoming BOOK LAUNCH, we’d love to help spread the word & excitement, just put us on your calendar ASAP, so we can do the same!

That’s it for now. Any Q’s? Just shoot us an email. In the meantime, spread the love of The Thriller Zone.

Lastly: We’re currently developing an Online Store where you’ll be able to get your very own Thriller Zone Swag (like the t-shirt David wears all the time)…so stay tuned.


David Temple & the entire Thriller Zone Team

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