On today's 209th episode of The Thriller Zone, the conversation unfolds with host David Temple welcoming back Adam Hamdy, an acclaimed author whose latest work, 'Deadbeat', is the focal point of their engaging dialogue. As th...
From CIA to Novelist: David McCloskey & The Art of Espionage On today’s 208th episode of The Thriller Zone, host David Temple welcomes back former CIA analyst and author David McCloskey to discuss his latest thriller, The Sev...
On today's 207th episode of The Thriller Zone, host David Temple interviews New York Times bestselling author Danielle Trussoni about her latest thriller, 'The Puzzle Box.' Together, their engaging conversation covers the ins...
On today’s 206th episode of The Thriller Zone, host David Temple welcomes back author Jack Stewart to discuss his latest work in the Battleborn series, particularly the third book, Bogey Spades. The conversation delves into J...
On today’s 205th episode of The Thriller Zone, host David Temple welcomes back author Steve Urszenyi to discuss his latest book, 'Out in the Cold.' The conversation explores Steve's journey as a writer, the development of his...